[行雲流水 Ko-un Ryusui]
空の雲や流れる水のように、物事に執着しないで、自然のない雪に任せて行動することJust like the clouds in the sky or the flowing water, act without attachment to things and let nature take its course.

[日々是好日 Hibi Kore Kojitsu]
今日の一日は二度と同じ日はなく、かけがえのない毎日を無事で良き日にすることToday is never the same day again, so make every irreplaceable day safe and good.
Make every day safe and good. Today is irreplaceable, never the same day again.
Make every day safe and good. Today is irreplaceable, never the same day again.

[吾唯知足 Ware Tada Taru wo Shiru]
不満を感じず、満ち足りていることを知ってる人は貧しくとも幸せであるPeople who are not dissatisfied and know that they are satisfied are happy even if they are poor.
Learn only to be content, not to be dissatisfied. If we understand this, we are fortunate, even in poverty.
Learn only to be content, not to be dissatisfied. If we understand this, we are fortunate, even in poverty.

[禅 Zen]
地を祓い清めて、天の神や山川の神を祀り鎮めることから、転じて心を静かに落ち着かせることCalm the mind. This meaning has evolved from the ideas of purifying the earth and enshrining and calming the heavenly gods and nature deities.

[空 Kuu]
何もない、無(む)という意味ではなく、物事は永遠に不変であるということはない。執着しないことが大切であるNothing stays the same forever. Sometimes this letter is mistaken to mean 'nothing' or 'nothingness', but this is not the case in Buddhist teachings. It teaches us that it is important not to become attached.